So …..i was told that I will under the influence of SATURN return ….
If you know astrology you will know that it a MOTHER FUCKN HARD time heheheh
That became part of normal day. Since the end of Nov 08 until now.
I guess the only good side is, I developed a tendency to be calm from inside no matter what is going around me . Some things are under ur control and others are not. As For those things that you can’t control. You need not to worry. it’s just a wait of time and energy . if there is any mishaps that I did in my early twenties. I am on the place where I have to pay for it now.
And I face that with hope
A hope of finding the answer to the most valuable question of all.
What is my role in the big theater of life …
Which part suits me, politician? ,Writer? Actor, standup- comedian? Fitness instructor
What is it exactly? Where it is exactly and when am I supposed to start that.
Wait and see ….things will happen at the time it should happen