Thursday, 27 May 2010

some words for my LOVE

Today while I was ,as usual, in my own world. It hit my mind a very important fact.
We have been together almost 2 years, if a person would like to summarize such a story like ours…I would prefer NOT to summarize….reason why ?
All the small details in all its moments and seconds are so valuable…
From the smile of the first kiss
To the tears of first time we fight…
The hours we spend in bed day dreaming….the countless times we hug each other seeking refuge from the curl world…the engorgement words
Holding hands while our fears push the tears to fall and show ing our weakness to the entire world,,,, but we r there for each other,
We back each other, we can’t stop kissing each other “and I’ll get to know how u like to be kissed “

Monday, 3 May 2010


And it’s time again
It’s this time of life where i just feel board of the disturbing questions I have on my mind…to many questions, and its never been answered\and guess what ,I lost hope of it being answered.
I just want to know how can I stop caring any more ..
I don’t want to care about my life when am 40 ,I wana worry about NOW

I don’t want to keep on imagining my KID, boy or a girl,
How and when ,and above all what am I gona teach to this new visitor on planet earth. I am worried about my parents, they are 2 steps close from being “past tense” have the accomplished everything they aimed for ?
Are they proud of me ? am i proud of myself ?
If no, why
If yes. then what for.
When am I going to stick to one path..stand up for all that I believe in
Am I an artist ?
Am I a rich politician
Am I a writer
Am I a normal happy father and a family man
Which way ,no one knowz ,it’s all a matter of future
This world we live in is amazing
Only when you come so close to the END of your time
You realize that NOTHING from the past things that made you go sad or angry or hurt MATTERS !!!! its all going to pass
Why worry ,,,,,