i just came back from a mountain trip, a mountain called "Monte Virdi" the green mountain .
to be able to describe for whom ever is reading ,how deep this impact i have been through ,you have to be a bit aware of my so called dreams and desires (the traveling ones).
i am born and raised in a very hot and desert atmosphere , yet my zodiac sign is Taurus.The nature for people like me is something essential like water and air we breath add to that my passion for writing and my love for letting my imagination take me as far as possible
I have always dreamt about this day where i can travel to a far a way land,some small small village or town that has this European street design (streets made of bricks) and small colorful houses, and surrounded with green forest .Any where you look you see one thing. green hills,green mountains and green lands , we can say a small heaven on earth . after dreaming about this picture for 8 years, i finally had it all ,and in one shot. i took a plane for 13 hours to Brazil and then a 3 hours bus to this amazing excluded heaven guided by ,my wife and my partner,
I walked for 3 hours climbing 1,700 miters to the top of the mountain . on the way your brain starts to wounder !!!! about the power behind this beauty ,the secrets inside this jungle,and the events these trees has witnessed
How many souls has passed this specific path my foot has touched, how my eyes have seen this picture i am seeing right now.
after approximately 2 and half hours of climbing, i came a cross a small stream of water, something that i have never seen, a cold ,clean and clear....its feeding all the trees around ....and once i touched it...my eyes came to tears,,my human brain just suddenly got in touch with the majesty of the creator.I touched one of his master peaces .I reached the top, and my soul felt like it has reached the top of the universe.
there was only the SKY above me....and am surrounded with green mountains....again i was on the top of the universe. I realised that all these so called troubles can be gathered in a quotation....and become nothing but a 1 word ,and in the face of this Majesty and beauty,this word wont survive, most of OUR issues are created by OUR own demands and greed that lead us to the cage . It is a cage of desperation. and anger. and feeling so low on your self esteem.
these hard times are made especially to test you and bring the best out of you. it will break you down for sure but the question is will you be able to put you shit to gather and stand up again or is gona be like this for ever ?
above all
gracias a Dios