Waw its been a very long time since i have been here ...usually i post here when it’s very very intense
So i guess u know why i am here. In the past few months some great things has happened, a country has revolute against its dictator, many lives has been lost and in the middle...there is me, with all my questions, doubts, hopes, ups and downs ...after my last problem that forced me to flee the country and delete my blog to avoid problems with authorities, I became less enthusiastic blogger, I latterly stayed out of trouble and kept my opinion to myself. But guess what...thats not enough, i just had another fucked up2 days with police searching for me, just to let me know that i am clear and case closed .
But in our fake world, the fact that a police officer would call you at work,(even if it was to tell you a good news) is considered freaky...
A friend called me happy, he has got an interview after he has been searching for work for the past 3 monthes. Guess here is it ,,,,it is where i work ....it is to replace me ,,, again and again and again
Seriously ??? waw life is really a bitch ....hard core one actually its this loop and loop and loop.
When the hell am i gona ever live ...is there something missing ??? what the fuck is going on....why r u doing this to me...what the fuck you need from me...leave me alone for god’s sake just let me be
I am tiered, and exhausted ...this is Too Much i am reaching my limit here,,,
God please pleas pleas go easy on me for some time please.
When are we gona grow up?
Those 40 year old something who still lie and deceive, still stab people from there work
Full of envy and just want people to GO or stay as their slaves....sick people how can i ever Kill them all
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