Thursday, 29 March 2012

Where do we go from here

This is the Question.
Where do we go from here, jumping all around the WORLD? What are you looking for Mr. Tamer?
Is it Money? Is Power? Is it Fame? Is it Religion and full understanding of the meaning of life? Is it to cure the self-trust issues? Are you damaged that deep? That Bad?
why? You have all the resources to be THE person you want. Why are you holding back?
The fight of back and forth between your soul and your desires will never be solved THIS way.
You need to pick up your mind for once in your life. Choose my friend. God is always there.
And he will always be the ONE that control the show. Inside you there is only GOOD, there is no need to convince yourself that you and angry person. You are not; you don’t need physical power to feel self-confidence. You need to rewrite the code and principals of your life? Well, do it
it`s a good start to define what you stand for. Learn, test and then conclude. I know that Dr Mustapha Mahmoud has a big influence. But don’t forget, his words are reflecting his OWN life
His progress in this world. He already had his own time, he had a diffident mission.

If you want to be what your desires want, I am sure you will get sick of it. And am also sure you will not ONLY be a spiritual person, you are looking for a balance. You are looking for new land. New identity. You also need to count your blessings; I know you always do that (don’t let that go). Give up these silly day dreams of President, Money laundry, assassin and actor. (Heheheh seriously I was always wanting to be one of those) you are some one else. Much more important, much more pure and much more valuable. Let go the self-beating for the past mistakes

Learn from them if you have to, but don’t loop in the past. Stay awake, Keep you mind open for what you are good at. Appreciate the Nature you have around you. Enjoy to the max the ability of learning new things, meeting new people. They all see you as a star. No more racism. You are blessed my friend
Keep that in mind. You do have the right to rewrite what you believe in, if you don’t stand for any thing
It’s time to do so; it’s time to BECOME real. Step out of your imaginary world.

“To my dear readers
That was me, and the effect of this song. Enjoy the music

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